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Although our temple has numerous departments performing various different services, the main focus is on the Devotee Care, Deity worship, Naisthik Brahmachary Sangha (NBS), Sraddhayakutir Mandir Sangha (SMS), Kuntidevi Matagi Sangha (KMS), ISKCON Bangladesh Marrige Bureau (IBMB), Prasadam distibution, Namhattya Preaching, Youth Forum Preaching and Goshala and all other functions carried out in the temple are all meant to support and encourage the betterment and success of these key services.

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Lord Krishna tells Uddhava: One who offers the Deity gifts of land, markets, cities and villages so that the regular daily worship and special festivals of the Deity may go on continually will achieve opulence equal to My own.
(SB 11.27.51)

Our founder Acharya

The dear most friend and ever well-wisher of one and all, who travelled the world to give the same transcendental bliss of Krishna consciousness that he constantly relished.


Why this Krishna Consciousness movement?

The search for happiness

Everyone is looking for happiness but it elusively slips away from everyone. What is the reason that despite our numerous attempts we never feel completely satisfied and when we do feel happy, the bliss is short lived and once again we are plunged into the ocean of miseries. We suffer, even though we don’t want to suffer, we experience loss, heartaches, depression and all such undesirable feelings even though we never want to. What then forces us to go through such emotions and keeps us away from the happiness and peace that all of us are hankering after? The Krishna consciousness movement gives answers to all such questions and gives the perfect path leading to uninterrupted eternal happiness, untinged by any misery, which is to be experienced in the company of the blissful Lord Sri Krishna. The true nature of a living entity is to be eternal, full of knowledge and bliss, but this material creation which is running under the influence of time has a beginning and an end, unlike our actual eternal existence, and is a place of utter misery, unlike our inherent nature to be blissful. We can therefore conclude that we actually do not belong here and are meant Read More…

The process

The path and the destination in the Krishna consciousness movement are one and the same with the only difference being in the quality of the experience in the stages of practice and perfection. The process therefore is most perfect for it strives to bring about the true nature of the soul from the very beginning of the process. The living entities who take up this Krishna consciousness are taught to love and serve Sri Krishna, the exact activity that will be performed in the perfected stage in the spiritual world. In the present situation, this includes chanting the names of the Lord, singing songs in his glorification, dancing for his pleasure, honoring his Mahaprasad, visiting the places where he performed his pastimes and so on. When performed with great faith and enthusiasm, the process itself gives rise to great pleasure, a bliss that cannot be experienced in anything material. The very first side effect of this glorious process is the removal of all miseries, which is what all of us are looking for. And that is just a side effect, the main result being unlimited bliss. Millions have joined this movement and are practicing regularly, experiencing a bliss which is making them desirous of tasting Read More…

The Goal

The goal is to be transported to the transcendental realm of Sri Krishna, the abode made up of pure eternal bliss and knowledge, where misery, old age, disease and death are non existent. The only experience there will be that of unalloyed love and devotion shared between the Supreme being Sri Krishna and the individual souls.

That blissful abode is beyond material imagination, and the love experienced there is the zenith of all happiness. Sri Vrindavan dham, the abode where the flowering groves are full of fragrant flowers, the river banks studded with jewels, lotuses swaying on the cooling waters of the Yamuna river and birds and beez making sweet sounds, is the place where Sri Krishna enjoys various loving pastimes with his numerous associates such as his friends, parents, servants and beloved Gopis. It is this Vrindavan, the place of the most wonderous pastimes of Sri Krishna, that is the Goal of all the Gaudiya Vaishnavas. Read More…

Deity’s Darshan


শ্রীমদ্ভাগবদগীতা জয়ন্তী মহোৎসব

শ্রীমদ্ভাগবদ্গীতা জয়ন্তী
শ্রীশ্রী মোক্ষদা একাদশী উপবাস যুধিষ্ঠির বললেন-হে বিষ্ণো! আপনাকে আমি বন্দনা করি। আপনি ত্রিলোকের সুখদায়ক, বিশ্বেশ্বর, বিশ্বপালক ও পুরুষোত্তম। আমার একটি সংশয় আছে। অগ্রাহায়ণ মাসের শুক্লপক্ষের যে একাদশী তার নাম কি, বিধিই বা কি ও কোন দেবতা এই একাদশীতে পূজিত হন, তা আমায় বলুন।শ্রীকৃষ্ণ বললেন-হে মহারাজ! আপনি উত্তম প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করেছেন,…

শ্রীশ্রী উৎপন্না একাদশী উপবাস

শ্রীশ্রী উৎপন্না একাদশী উপবাস
উৎপন্না একাদশী অর্জুন বললেন-হে দেব! অগ্রহায়ণের পুণ্যপ্রদায়ী কৃষ্ণপক্ষের একাদশীকে কেন ‘উৎপন্না’ বলা হয় এবং কি জন্যই বা এই একাদশী পরম পবিত্র ও দেবতাদেরও প্রিয়, তা জানতে ইচ্ছা করি। আপনি কৃপা করে আমাকে তা বলুন।শ্রীভগবান বললেন- হে পৃথাপুত্র! পূর্বে সত্যযুগে ‘মুর’ নামে এক দানব ছিল। অদ্ভুত আকৃতিবিশিষ্ট সেই দানবের স্বভাব ছিল…

About Us

International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) was founded by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (Srila Prabhupada) in the West in 1966. ISKCON belongs to Gaudiya (refers to Bengal) Vaishnavism, a devotional tradition based on the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam.

The precepts and practices of ISKCON were taught and codified by the 15th century saint and religious reformer Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1532), his brother Nityananda Prabhu and six of his principle associates, the Goswamis of Vrindavana (Sanatana, Rupa, Jiva, Gopal Bhatta, Raghunatha Dasa and Raghunatha Bhatta.)

The Bhagavad-gita was first put into writing about 5000 years ago. The Gita is the principal scripture of The Hare Krishna Movement™ Organization. Its origins are more than 5000-years-old.

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